Journal Entry #6

October 17, 2022 Kaotix Illustrated Season 1 Episode 23

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The normalcy of an apocolypse...

Written and Voiced by Adam Botsford
Original music by Ian Botsford

©Kaotix Illustrated

Journal Entry #6

Ready by Adam, man's voice

My thoughts meander a bit today as I think about how different, and yet oddly similar, my life is to the days before the apocalypse. I live in a zoo now. There would have been a day in the past that this would have seemed like the most amazing idea. I guess I just wish the circumstances were different. Tom, Cory, and Ian are all here with me. These are the people I would see every day anyway so that core aspect of my life feels so unchanged. I have my persistently amazing dog with me. And some good company. Shortly after arriving here, Suzanne found her way to the zoo. Then Brien. That makes six. I miss our other friends. We talk often about planning special trips into the city to look for them, but as time passes our optimism diminishes. I miss regular contact with family members. I already lived so far from them that there is an awkward normalcy in not hearing from them, but when the awareness of their distance hits…it hits hard. I miss coffee shops, Thai food, and being able to walk around the city without being on alert the whole time. It's exhausting to always be switched on.